Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is an unbelievable achievement in the MCU. Director James Gunn has delivered a film that is colorful, emotional and a feast for the senses. It’s a movie that could be one of the best works of the MCU to date. Emotions in this film run high, and I was moved to tears at least five times throughout the film. The movie shows Rocket Raccoon’s tragic flashback that adds emotional depth to the character, which you can enjoy with family through Flixtor website.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3

Each character in this movie gets a chance to make an impact, and James Gunn’s abilities as a writer and filmmaker are a tribute to how well he manages to balance all the characters. There are many moments of levity and humor, but also moments of heartbreak and tragedy. The film manages to strike a perfect balance between these different elements, which is no easy task. The music in this film is as great as ever, and the soundtrack is a highlight. James Gunn has a real knack for picking the perfect songs for his movies, and the songs in this film are no exception. The visual design of the film is also stunning, and the film is a feast for the eyes. The action sequences are masterfully choreographed and exciting to watch, and the special effects are top-notch.

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

Karen Gillan has gotten better with each film and has the most to do in this one. Seeing her evolve from an antagonist to an equal was one of the biggest and best surprises of the trilogy. Chukwudi Iwuji is a great villain, leaving behind the usual tortured past of most bad guys and instead just being evil and larger than life – perfectly played. James Gunn’s direction is incredible. He’s gone all out creatively, technically and emotionally to give these characters the swan song they deserve, and it’s so satisfying to watch them do it. There’s also a hallway fight shot in a single take that is one of the most exciting things in the entire MCU.


I have no negative thoughts about this film. It’s a movie that had me emotionally engaged from start to finish, and it’s been a long time since the MCU has given me such feelings. This movie might make it into my top 5 MCU movies, and I’ll be thinking about it for a long time. Overall, Marvel fans and viewers alike must watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 because it is a vibrant, moving masterpiece. 

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